I have been following this on Twitter and I find it pretty damn funny:
"1v1 me bitch.. Thats what I thought" = I was beat up a lot in middle school. My virginity is also still intact.
"Noob" = Including but not limited to a person who just bought the game. Also includes experienced players that never caught on.
"Here is my address tough guy lets go" = I have nothing else to say and I know that you will not come.
"That's bullshit this room is full of lag" = We had a fair gun battle and he destroyed me face to face.
"I'm playing all night bro" = I will be getting on around 7pm, around 9pm I will tell you that I'll be right back. I will not return.
"I'll cover you" = You go in first and distract them so I can kill the guy who is shooting you.